4+/4x+ 2 Speaker Platinum

4+/4x+ 2 Speaker Wiring Loom Set - Platinum



$619.00incl GST

4+/4x+: 2 Speaker Wiring Loom Set - Platinum

1 x Platinum Jumper Lead

1 x Platinum Connection Harness

1 x Stroke Rate Sensor + Magnet

1 x Modular Harness

1 x Impeller + Impeller Sensor

2 x Speakers

Storage Boss

Mounting Cup


The location of the Impeller affects the readings it gives due to the changing turbulence along the boat. If the boat is primarily used on straight courses we recommend that it is mounted near the cox, for convenience, and that it is then calibrated. If the boat is not just used on straight courses an Impeller Extension Lead should be used to position the Impeller approximately 5 metres from the bow.