On Water Critical Safety Rules - summary


In an emergency – call 111, use radio channel 16.

Put key club contacts in your mobile phone.


It is the coaches responsibility to:

  • Check conditions are rowable - taking into account weather forecasts, wind, water and tide conditions
  • Check: fuel, bung is in, motor works, radio and lights work
  • Check: First aid supplies, knife, paddle, fire extinguisher and bailer are in the boat
  • Wear a life jacket
  • Take your phone
  • Sign out your boat on the register and sign it in on your return
  • Carry the number of personal floatation devices (PFDs) for the largest crew boat you are coaching

Make sure all your crews remain within 500m of you at all times, otherwise they need to carry their own PFD's.


Crews without coaches - it is the strokes responsibility to:

  • Check conditions are rowable - taking into account weather forecasts, wind, water and tide conditions
  • Check your boat is in working order (see notice board for checks required)
  • Sign out your boat, noting crew member names in the register, and sign it in on your return
  • Make sure each crew member has a PFD
  • Take a form of communication with you (e.g. mobile phone in a ziplock bag or drybag)
  • Attach a light to the bow, if part of your session will be in low light so other water users can see you.


All members going out on the water, it is your responsibility to…

  • Have a PFD close to you, unless going out with a coach boat and staying within 500m of them
  • Wear appropriate clothing for the conditions, take a spanner, water bottle and food (if needed)
  • Raise safety concerns and report incidents


It is recommended that you:

  • Get your own drybag and survival blanket - you can put your spanner and snacks in the bag too
  • Take footwear in case you end up on the boulder bank - the shells on the rocks are sharp!




Kevin Strickland, President 021 706 617
Kylie Johnson, Club Captain 027 329 1398
Tim Rogers, H&S Officer 0210 903 2360
Tim Babbage, Senior Coach 027 453 2114